Welcome to Al & Marce's 50/25 Celebration

2018 sees a number of Family Napp landmarks: Eric finishes school; Ivy graduates; Al & Marce have been married for 25 years and Al turns fifty.
So, we're celebrating
In a startling lack of imagination this will be held at exactly the same place we celebrated Al's 40th
Come along to sunny (see evidence in photo above) Heacham the weekend of 20th&21st October 2018

Please R.S.V.P. to al@alnapp.com letting us know you're coming.

What's Happening?

  • Open House

    Come for as long or as little as you like from midday on the Saturday through into the evening. We’ll also be doing a big breakfast on the Sunday if you’re still in the area. Depending on the weather(!), we'll be offering anything from BBQ & paddling to huddling by a fire, accompanied by far too much food* and a chance to catch up.

    *Omnivorous & Vegan, but please feel free to bring
    along anything for specific dietary requirements

  • Can we bring anything?

    * Check the weather and select apt clothing.
    * Drink
    * A chair or two, if you have handy camping ones available

    But really it's about seeing you.